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Imagine feeling strong and confident in your post-baby body

Get back to doing what you love through achievable 20 minute workouts. Endless pelvic floor squeezes not required.



You don’t have to sacrifice your health and fitness after having a baby

As a new Mum, your core feels weak, you might have a mum tum and maybe you’re intensely Googling the symptoms of prolapse and ab separation.

Or perhaps you had a c-section and you’re wondering how and when to start exercising again safely?

Or maybe you’re 5+ years postpartum but still pee a little when you sneeze, run or have a cheeky bounce on your kid’s trampoline. But the challenge is having the time and energy to focus on yourself when you’ve got a cute – but demanding – little human to care for.

Well, come close and listen up.



There IS a way to workout safely and strengthen your postnatal body

You can...

Get back to doing the type of fitness you love doing, even high-impact activities like running

Safely improve postpartum conditions like diastasis recti, back pain, stress incontinence and prolapse

Fit an achievable exercise routine into your busy mum life and enjoy those mood-enhancing endorphins

Enjoy sexy time again with your partner without feeling pain or discomfort

Improve your posture and learn safe lifting techniques for when your baby gets heavier

And best of all, you don’t have to figure it out on your own OR spend hours doing it.



Mum & Bub Postnatal Exercise Program

The achievable way for you to focus on your pelvic health and safely strengthen your body. No matter what stage you’re at in your postnatal journey. Uniquely designed for short on time mums, who want guidance and motivation to hit their personal health and fitness goals.

What’s inside:

20 minute workouts - perfect to do during nap time or work breaks.

Each week of the program features five new workouts posted in our private Facebook group. All specifically designed to progressively and safely build strength and improve postnatal symptoms.

Guidance from TWO women’s pelvic health physiotherapists. Enjoy being in expert hands as we talk you through how to perform each exercise correctly and how to modify for your level. Got questions about anything? Just ask us - you’re never alone.

Specialised pelvic floor strengthening workouts. Our Pelvic Floor Friday workouts are short and sweet but ladies they hit the spot. And we make it way more entertaining than boring pelvic floor squeezes, pinky promise.

Return to running & impact workouts. Follow our running-focused workouts and become strong enough to cope with high-impact activity without risk of injury.

Women’s pelvic health education. From postnatal to the menopause, nothing is off limits. You’ll be able to access bonus content where we share advice around conditions like prolapse, incontinence, tummy gap and other women’s health issues.

Accountability and support. Join our Mum & Bub WhatsApp group and become part of a supportive community of mums who help keep each other on track. This is also your safe place to ask us questions.

PLUS: Get immediate access to over 243 postnatal safe workouts to do in your own time in our private Facebook Group



We’re here to help you enjoy postnatal exercise without fear, pain or confusion.

We believe mums deserve SO much more than the standard A4 pelvic floor exercise sheet to guide their postnatal health journey...

And the one-size-fits-all recommendation about returning to exercise. Six weeks for you too?

That’s why we created the Mum and Bub postnatal exercise program.

Collectively we have over 17 years experience working as womens pelvic health physiotherapists - both in the NHS and private clinics.

We bring to Mum & Bub all our combined physio knowledge, our backgrounds in pilates (Claire 👋 ) and professional triathlon (Emma 👋) PLUS oodles of empathy - because we’re mums too.

The result? A program that creates happier, healthier mums and raises the bar when it comes to postnatal fitness.



“I'm now 15 weeks postpartum and I’ve definitely noticed a difference since doing the program

When I started the Mum & Bub I could hardly activate my pelvic floor and I felt very weak in my core. Within a few weeks I feel stronger and can activate my pelvic floor easily. I feel in safe hands and if I hadn't started this program I would’ve tried to do other exercises and I've no doubt I would have done more damage than good!”

Leanne Donoghue


“I’d never have rehabilitated so successfully postpartum without this program

Mum & Bub is THE bomb! I found myself really anticipating each new video release and the movements are explained nice and clearly. I no longer have any heaviness or diastasis and I can run again – hurray!”

Rose Unwin

“I’ve really noticed an improvement in strength and posture postnatally as a result

Highly recommended the Mum and Bub program. Claire and Emma are both so knowledgeable and encouraging. The classes include a mix of abs/arms/leg work with a pelvic floor focus and sweaty circuits! Thanks ladies and keep up the fantastic work!”

Angela Fan


“Doing this program felt like I was taking care of my mental wellbeing as well as my physical health

My strength improved, and I felt more confident about my pelvic health. I appreciated the openness in discussing any aspect of pelvic health. Being online meant I could do the videos at my own pace. I definitely recommend this program!

Sarah Dyer

Ready to get started? Pick your payment plan

Mum and Bub is released in six week blocks with 5 new workouts posted each week. We guide you from basic to more advanced exercises and give modifications. All workouts pack a punch into just 20 minutes.


6 week access



3 month access

(Most popular!)



6 month access




A 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee for You

We’re so confident in this program, we’re offering a money-back guarantee. If you spend up to 10 days in this program and feel it’s not a good fit for you... Just contact us and you’ll get 100% of your money back.

Want a sneak peak inside?
This section is for you…

👉 👉🏽 👉🏿

These workouts (and more) are waiting for you inside the Mum & Bub private Facebook group. So you can do them at home in your own time. With the accountability from a community of other mums with similar goals and challenges as you.

sneak preview of our dead lifts workout with emma


What’s that? You’re desperate to run again?

We understand. We love running too and it’s a goal for many mums in the program. But it’s high-impact and if you start running too early it can result in leaking, chronic pain and pesky reoccurring injuries. That’s why we guide you through specific exercises, including plyometric work, designed to help you safely get back to running.


“I’ve just done my fastest run in 5 years.

It felt *completely* different to every weekly run I've done for the last year and the only thing that's different is that I've been disciplined about doing these videos for 3 weeks. This program is really working for me and I’m so grateful 💪🏽”

Devin GP



When low mojo hits, you’ll get a gentle nudge to get you back on track

How many months will it take to get results?

(And other frequently asked questions)

It depends on your individual starting point and postnatal symptoms but Mum & Bub is no different to any other exercise program, the more you do it - the more you’ll feel and see a difference. Many women spend 3 months in the program and then feel ready to progress to other activities. Some stay longer because they enjoy the wide mix of workouts and the community support. The 6 week option is great if you just want to try it out and see if it’s right for you.

What equipment do I need? How do I access Mum and Bub after joining? How much time does the program require each week and per workout? What’s with the name Mum and Bub? Will I be working out with my baby? How do I cancel? Are the workouts live? I had my baby 5 years ago now, Is this only for new mums? I had my baby three weeks ago, is it too early to join?


Have another question for us?

Just email us at and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.

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